Welcome To True North Debt

One thing all over-indebted consumers agree on is the desire to tackle their debts and enjoy financial freedom. With help from our Debt Review service at True North Debt, you can take back control and live without the constant stress that comes with having too much debt. We will guide you through every step of the Debt Review process, from start to finish, and are committed to seeing you reach your financial goals.

More so now than ever before, consumers in South Africa are challenged by the rising cost of living, and expenses that are almost impossible to manage without acquiring some debt. What starts as a loan or a few accounts to help you purchase clothes, food, a car and perhaps one or two luxury items, can quickly spiral if you aren’t conscious of your lifestyle choices and affordability. Debt Review is a legal process regulated by South Africa’s National Credit Act. The objective is to get you back on track with debts owed, in a way that benefits you and your creditors. With the help of True North Debt, you can overcome your debt through the effective and often life-changing Debt Review process.

Once it has been established that you are over-indebted (we will know by performing a thorough assessment of your finances) we will restructure your debt in such a way that you can realistically afford them – you don’t have to deal with your creditors at all, our team will negotiate everything with them on your behalf, from reduced instalments to lower interest rates. We will restructure your debts so you pay only one monthly instalment to a reputable Payment Distribution Agency, who ensures that your creditors are paid in time. This monthly payment amounts to less than what your debt repayments were previously, as it is based on what we’ve determined you can manage to repay.

While under Debt Review, you will still be honouring your debt obligations, and you will also be protected from the legal implications that come with being a bad payer, which is huge weight off your shoulders. Another benefit of undergoing Debt Review that your creditors may not harass you with calls and messages demanding payment. You will have more of your income available each month to care for your family and yourself, and the goal of financial freedom will be within reach.

If you’re wondering if Debt Review is the right step for you, take a moment to consider your situation – are you skipping/paying less on monthly debt repayments, avoiding calls from creditors, anxious about becoming blacklisted and living from one paycheck to the next, not knowing how you’ll manage the debt in your name? If so, it is more than likely that you are over-indebted, with expenses and monthly debt repayments that far exceeds what you earn.

Contact us today for a professional and result-driven Debt Review service that is suited to your specific financial needs.

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